interview, download en info;
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Djouna "Big One" Mumbafu - Congo (Zaire) -
Djouna Mumbafu Big-One
Djouna Big-One (Djouna Mumbafu) born Bileku Mpasi Jean-Pierre Matonet, has been known as a prominent animateur (atalaku) and dancer in Empire Bakuba. Among others, he revolutionized Congolese music with his choreographies and « atalaku »-yells.
Following the death of Pepe Kalle, Empire Bakuba fell apart into various factions such as Fondation Bakuba and Delta Force, a former youth group set up by Pepe Kalle. Djouna was part of Delta Force together with Godé Lofombo, but after some time Djouna decided to start a solo career.
In 2004, he released a first solo album « Tonnèrre de Brest », and a live DVD, and in December of the same year he was a finalist for the Kora Awards with the song « 6600 Volts », but he didn't win the award. In Djouna's current band, called Orchestre Big One, the younger brother of Pepe Kalle, Ali Kalle, is one of the singers. Ali Kalle's voice is very much reminiscent of Pepe's voice.
Theodor W. Adorno - Unterhaltungsmusik
this post works best if you play the movies simultaniously, perhaps keep adorno's words audible with a grand soundtrack of the glammy guys in the background.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Mary Webb - Poet Novelist Natural Mystic - 1881 -1927
Good-bye to Morning
I will say good-bye to morning, with her eyes
Of gold, her shell-pale robe and crocus-crown.
Once her green veils enmeshed me, following down
The dewy hills of heaven: with young surprise
The daisies eyed me, and the pointed leaves
Came swiftly in green fire to meet the sun:
The elves from every hollow, one by one,
Laughed shrilly. But the wind of evening grieves
In the changing wood. Like people sad and old,
The white-lashed daisies sleep, and on my sight
Looms my new sombre comrade, ancient night.
His eyes dream dark on death; all stark and cold
His fingers, and on his wild forehead gleams
My morning wreath of withered and frozen dreams.
When on the moss-green hill the wandering wind
Drowses, and lays his brazen trumpet down,
When snow-fed waters gurgle, cold and brown,
And wintered birds creep from the stacks to find
Solace, while each bright eye begins to see
A visionary nest in every tree —
Let us away, out of the murky day
Of sullen towns, into the silver noise
Of woods where every bud has found her way
Sunward, and every leaf has found a voice.
"Mary Webb was a champion of the non-conformist and the underdog. She defended the right of the individual against societal pressures, and expressed an intuitive awareness of the collective unconscious of humanity. Webb believed folklore and religion to be expressions of timeless myth and symbol, an outlook with parallels in the theories that her contemporary, Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, was later to make famous"
LENIN was a Mushroom
19 years ago on 17 May 1991 Russian avant-garde musician Sergey Kuryokhin presented his theory, claiming that Lenin was a mushroom. This mystification based on real research and documentary evidence, was broadcast live on the Soviet TV show 5th Wheel" and caused sensation in the society.
According to his wife Anastasiya, Kuryokhin made this theory up in order to prove that almost anything, no matter how absurd or surreal it looks or sounds, can be 'proved,' especially on live TV. (A. Kuryokhinas interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda).
check for more interesting stuff
..I’d just like to get your thoughts on a few tracks, most notably the tune Still Fighting Thatcher. Given that HARD SKIN collectively are not a bunch of anarchists, and given that this song is obviously anti-Tory, I assume that must make you either a bunch of New-Labourites or some kinda neo-Liberals. Where do you lay your proverbial hair-clippers politically? I suppose you could have gone over to Michael Howard’s Tory Party now huh? They COULD be seen to embrace a similar attitude to some of HARD SKIN’s lyrics!! What about the BNP – what do you think of the politics spouted by these pieces of subhuman slime?..Fat Bob) I'm a bit confused cause some cunt told me that Thatcher wasn't in power anymore so that means that song is pretty irrelevant. The song is about not wanting to work. It's like the follow up to CHELSEA's "The Right To Work" but it's the right not to work. We don't really swing for any political party unless there's a new one for lazy cunts. We of course are against the BNP - fucking thick twats - they need a beating with a lead pipe...Johnny Takeaway) What the fuck are you talking about, dickhole? Listen right - we oppose any cunts who stop the kids from having a laugh and having a say. EVERYBODY is entitled to live it. The cunts at the top are obviously cunts and we oppose them all. The BNP are the biggest bunch of pricks out there. Arseholes. Fuck them. Dividing people is not an answer. Never was. Turds. Bollocks. excerpt from scanner zine interview
Hard Skin - Hard Nuts & Hard Cunts
Hard Skin - Hard Nuts & Hard Cunts
Het Huwelijk - Willem Elsschot from Klaas Verpoest on Vimeo.
Typographic animation of "Het Huwelijk", a poem by the Belgian writer Willem Elsschot (1882-1960).
This typographic animation was made for "Tussen droom en Daad", the opening festival of the Willem Elsschot year in Antwerp. - Voice: Jan Decleir - Animation: Klaas Verpoest
Het Huwelijk - Willem Elsschot from Klaas Verpoest on Vimeo.
Typographic animation of "Het Huwelijk", a poem by the Belgian writer Willem Elsschot (1882-1960).
This typographic animation was made for "Tussen droom en Daad", the opening festival of the Willem Elsschot year in Antwerp. - Voice: Jan Decleir - Animation: Klaas Verpoest
Владимир Высоцкий - Утренняя гимнастика
Vladimir Vysotsky - Morning Exercises
Венгрия, Будапешт 1974
Вдох глубокий. Руки шире.
Не спешите, три-четыре!
Бодрость духа, грация и пластика.
Утром отрезвляющая,
Если жив пока еще -
Если вы в своей квартире -
Лягте на пол, три-четыре!
Выполняйте правильно движения.
Прочь влияния извне -
Привыкайте к новизне!
Вдох глубокий до изне-
Очень вырос в целом мире
Гриппа вирус - три-четыре! -
Ширятся, растет заболевание.
Если хилый - сразу в гроб!
Сохранить здоровье чтоб,
Применяйте, люди, об-
Если вы уже устали -
Сели-встали, сели-встали.
Не страшны вам Арктика с Антарктикой.
Главный академик Иоффе
Доказал - коньяк и кофе
Вам заменят спорт и профи-
Разговаривать не надо.
Приседайте до упада,
Да не будьте мрачными и хмурыми!
Если вам совсем неймется -
Обтирайтeсь, чем придется,
Водными займитесь проце-
Не страшны дурные вести -
Мы в ответ бежим на месте.
В выигрыше даже начинающий.
Красота - среди бегущих
Первых нет и отстающих!
Бег на месте обще-
Inhale deeply, arms--out more,
Do not hurry--three and four!
Grace and pliability are emphasized!
All around conditioning,
And hangover quickening,
If you're still alive and fidgeting-
If you're working out at home,
Do lie down!--three and four!
Correctly go through every single motion!
Lose the tension that you feel,
Get accustomed to the drill!
Inhale deeply right until...
Quickly growing 'round the world--
Flu and illness--three and four!
The disease is gradually flourishing!
If you're weak--straight to the grave!
If you want your wellness saved,
With a towel rub yourself,
It's nourishing!
If already you feel spent,
Sit and stand, sit and stand--
Do not fear the Arctic and Antarctic!
Our main scholar Dr. Joffe
Proved to us that booze and coffee
Will be replaced by athletic prophy--
All the talking should be stopped
Keep on squatting 'till you drop
Do not be such gloomy creatures!
If you cannot hold your ardor
Rub yourself with something harder
In the water, you can start the
Drilled procedures
We're not scared of doltish talk--
In response we run and walk,--
Amateurs--triumphant from the start!
Beautiful!--right from beginning
No one's losing, no one's winning
Stationary running is bringing
Peace to hearts!
"Wilders is overduidelijk een prototype gebaseerd op het model ‘Milosevic’. Precies dezelfde gelaatstrekken, precies dezelfde haartooi en haarlijn, het zijn twee druppels water. Het idee voor de vergelijking kreeg ik toen Wilders net als Milosevic een lange lijst rare getuigen naar zijn procces wou halen. En verdomd: het lijkt wel of we hier met een prototype te maken hebben.
Wat betekent dit precies? Daar kun je alleen over speculeren. Ik geloof persoonlijk totaal niet in de authenticiteit van het fenomeen Wilders. Hij is de stereotiepe zondebok die de gevestigde machten juist bijzonder goed uitkomt om de aandacht af te leiden van het werkelijke probleem, namelijk dat ons systeem gewoon niet meer functioneert. Wilders is een makkelijke vijand, een gemakzuchtige zondebok. Uitgevonden en beschermd door het systeem zelf, afkomstig uit het systeem. Dankzij het artikel in HP de Tijd weten we dat hij achter de coulissen net zo minachtend doet over het kiesvee als alle andere politici als er geen camera’s in de buurt zijn. Het is toch absurd dat die man een peperdure staatsbeveliging krijgt om mensen permanent te kunnen discrimineren zonder risico te lopen, terwijl zijn aanhangers alles en iedereen bedreigen die schijnbaar vervolgens niet goed genoeg zijn voor zo’n peperdure beveiliging? Je kunt mij veel wijsmaken, maar niet dat Wilders als fenomeen authentiek is. Dat is een poppenspel, een Jan Klaassen. Een onmisbare pion in het op hol geslagen wiel van de mediacratie."
"Wilders is overduidelijk een prototype gebaseerd op het model ‘Milosevic’. Precies dezelfde gelaatstrekken, precies dezelfde haartooi en haarlijn, het zijn twee druppels water. Het idee voor de vergelijking kreeg ik toen Wilders net als Milosevic een lange lijst rare getuigen naar zijn procces wou halen. En verdomd: het lijkt wel of we hier met een prototype te maken hebben.
Wat betekent dit precies? Daar kun je alleen over speculeren. Ik geloof persoonlijk totaal niet in de authenticiteit van het fenomeen Wilders. Hij is de stereotiepe zondebok die de gevestigde machten juist bijzonder goed uitkomt om de aandacht af te leiden van het werkelijke probleem, namelijk dat ons systeem gewoon niet meer functioneert. Wilders is een makkelijke vijand, een gemakzuchtige zondebok. Uitgevonden en beschermd door het systeem zelf, afkomstig uit het systeem. Dankzij het artikel in HP de Tijd weten we dat hij achter de coulissen net zo minachtend doet over het kiesvee als alle andere politici als er geen camera’s in de buurt zijn. Het is toch absurd dat die man een peperdure staatsbeveliging krijgt om mensen permanent te kunnen discrimineren zonder risico te lopen, terwijl zijn aanhangers alles en iedereen bedreigen die schijnbaar vervolgens niet goed genoeg zijn voor zo’n peperdure beveiliging? Je kunt mij veel wijsmaken, maar niet dat Wilders als fenomeen authentiek is. Dat is een poppenspel, een Jan Klaassen. Een onmisbare pion in het op hol geslagen wiel van de mediacratie."
Karel Anker & De Joden - Geert Wilders krijg de tering
Geert Wilders ( Krijg de tering)
Een half miljoen mensen stemde
op een volslagen idoot
de consequentie van die daad
krijgen wij nu op ons brood
Help! Een tsunami van islamisering
Geert Wilders krijg de tering
Blijf uit de buurt van de regering
Geert Wilders krijg de tering
Zeg het maar geert, 'tis een grof schandaal!
leer dan zelf eens de nederlandsche taal
je voelt je bedreigd, hoe zou dat komen?
Geert Wilders ( Krijg de tering)
Een half miljoen mensen stemde
op een volslagen idoot
de consequentie van die daad
krijgen wij nu op ons brood
Help! Een tsunami van islamisering
Geert Wilders krijg de tering
Blijf uit de buurt van de regering
Geert Wilders krijg de tering
Zeg het maar geert, 'tis een grof schandaal!
leer dan zelf eens de nederlandsche taal
je voelt je bedreigd, hoe zou dat komen?
misschien vanwege je nazi dromen
Umar Suleeymaan
has some great oromo music on his blog. including tracks and fantastic cassette coverart of Umar Suleeymaan. I own a few bad copies of some of them, but definatively not all nine.
has some great oromo music on his blog. including tracks and fantastic cassette coverart of Umar Suleeymaan. I own a few bad copies of some of them, but definatively not all nine.
besides painting willies and bouncing copcars...
VOINA group
"Cock In the Ass" [C.I.A.] punk concert
at the hearing of the Yerofeev - Samodurov case
May 29, 2009
Courtroom #204,
Taganskiy District court,
Check out the oi! concert video and sing with Voina's band.
Around 1 pm, during the May 29 hearing of the Erofeev - Samodurov case Voina group organized a 1-song punk concert of the "Cock In the Ass" [Hui V Ochko (rus.)] oi-band inside Moscow's Taganskiy District court, interrupting the hearing set to send 2 leading curators of contemporary critical art in Russia to prison.
2 organizers of the "Forbidden Art" exhibition in Moscow, Yury Samodurov, expert in critical art, and Andrei Erofeev, Russia's top curator, both face 5 years in prison on charges of inciting hatred and religious enmity after the public prosecutor supported the plea of nationalist and Orthodox bigots, which are widely supported by the Putinist junta, who seeks to install a new moral order in Russia.
The courtroom was overfilled that mourning and as the prosecutor read the 150-page indictment Voina's host interrupted and announced that right now the punk collective "Cock in the Ass" will perform its hit "All cops are bastards" [Vse menti ublyudki] from the new album "PLEN" [Rus. acronym for "Fuck the Police Those Motherfucking Bosses"].
Instantaneously, guitars and stage equipment appeared from backpacks of Voina activists in the courtroom audience and the band played its hit - "All Cops Are Bastards - You ought to remember that". In the middle of the oi-song police broke in and started an authentic punk slam alongside Voina activists, prosecutors, lawyers and defendants.
Police were weary of detaining participators of the punk slam and Voina activists due to an announcement before the punk show that all was paid for by case judge Svetlana Yuryevna Aleksandrova and "FEP", the secret Putinist political foundation.
Get other details and links to Voina's punk interruption on Indymedia.
VOINA group
"Cock In the Ass" [C.I.A.] punk concert
at the hearing of the Yerofeev - Samodurov case
May 29, 2009
Courtroom #204,
Taganskiy District court,
Check out the oi! concert video and sing with Voina's band.
Around 1 pm, during the May 29 hearing of the Erofeev - Samodurov case Voina group organized a 1-song punk concert of the "Cock In the Ass" [Hui V Ochko (rus.)] oi-band inside Moscow's Taganskiy District court, interrupting the hearing set to send 2 leading curators of contemporary critical art in Russia to prison.
2 organizers of the "Forbidden Art" exhibition in Moscow, Yury Samodurov, expert in critical art, and Andrei Erofeev, Russia's top curator, both face 5 years in prison on charges of inciting hatred and religious enmity after the public prosecutor supported the plea of nationalist and Orthodox bigots, which are widely supported by the Putinist junta, who seeks to install a new moral order in Russia.
The courtroom was overfilled that mourning and as the prosecutor read the 150-page indictment Voina's host interrupted and announced that right now the punk collective "Cock in the Ass" will perform its hit "All cops are bastards" [Vse menti ublyudki] from the new album "PLEN" [Rus. acronym for "Fuck the Police Those Motherfucking Bosses"].
Instantaneously, guitars and stage equipment appeared from backpacks of Voina activists in the courtroom audience and the band played its hit - "All Cops Are Bastards - You ought to remember that". In the middle of the oi-song police broke in and started an authentic punk slam alongside Voina activists, prosecutors, lawyers and defendants.
Police were weary of detaining participators of the punk slam and Voina activists due to an announcement before the punk show that all was paid for by case judge Svetlana Yuryevna Aleksandrova and "FEP", the secret Putinist political foundation.
Get other details and links to Voina's punk interruption on Indymedia.
Monday, September 27, 2010
upside down copcars in st. petersburg
Police Cars Flipped Over in Graft Protest
By Alexandra Odynova
Several police cars were overturned in St. Petersburg in a stunt taken credit for on Monday by the same group of artists that painted a huge penis on a drawbridge in June.
An artist with the group, Voina, or War, published photos on Monday on his blog of what he called an anti-police “Palace Revolution” in the vicinity of the downtown Mikhailovsky Palace.
The first car was overturned after a ball belonging to a child of one of the artists rolled under it, the artist-blogger, Alexei Plutser-Sarno, said on his blog. After that, the artists targeted four to six other police vehicles.
It took the activists nine seconds to flip each car, he said.
The group wanted to provoke a discussion about widespread corruption and power abuse in the police force, Plutser-Sarno said in an e-mailed statement. He added that Voina did not fear prosecution.
“More than 10 criminal cases have been opened against the group. There will be one more, so what?” he said.
“They don’t need us: We have neither money nor property, so there’s nothing to get from us, and the ‘werewolves in epaulets’ don’t work for no reason and for free,” Plutser-Sarno said, referring to a nickname for corrupt policemen.
A spokeswoman for the St. Petersburg traffic police confirmed Monday that at least one car sustained slight damages when it was overturned by unidentified attackers last week.
Police are looking into the incident, the spokeswoman told Ekho Moskvy radio, without elaborating whether any Voina members face charges.
Voina has previously staged other radical performances bordering on hooliganism. They organized a sex orgy in the Biological Museum in Moscow in 2008 and painted a 65-meter penis on a St. Petersburg drawbridge on the eve of an international economic forum in June.
David Riff, an expert on Russian art, said prosecution would allow Voina to draw even more attention to their activities. “The aim of art is to provoke and oppose, and Voina is the only group now which still performs these kinds of things,” Riff said by telephone. “But it doesn’t mean that they can’t be prosecuted. It’s their own choice.”
more Voina Actions:
more Voina Actions:
Yanka Dyagileva "Styd i sram" / Янка Дягилева "Стыд и срам" [1991]
September 4, 1966 - May 9 (?), 1991 - poet, songwriter and singer
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